Welcome to Vincent Dempsey Plant Hire.
Ireland’s Premier Plant Hire company. Based in Co. Wicklow and providing a Nationwide service to Ireland and the UK.
Motorways & Roads
Having worked on major roads around Ireland we have large scale equipment for bulk excavations and final trim.
Coastal Erosion
From putting in coastal walkways or rock armour protection we have machines equipped with rock grabs for placing all sizes of boulders.
Rock Breaking
We offer a range of Rockbreakers to suit every machine. For small demolition jobs to major rock cuts we have the right tools for the job.
Construction Sites
Site clearance, piling, foundations and all other works carried out on sites. Our wide range of machines from 14t up to 50t covers all needs.
Wind Farms
Having worked on Windfarms erecting 1 turbine to 100 turbines we offer plenty experience in base excavations and ducting.